What I Do

Drawing on her 25+ years of experience, expertise and effective placemaking track record, Mary offers a range of interactive programmes designed to empower Place-makers for times of crisis. These are for individual leaders, their teams, organisations and communities for whom generating new possibilities for their people, places and public spaces really matters. These include:

Reimagine Moville

Mary Kerrigan received 1 of the 3 Hometown Architect - Reimagine Place Awards 2024 from the Irish Architecture Foundation Dublin, partnering with Anthony Doogan, Moville Community Complex Development Company; and Clódagh Warnock, Ceolan Trad Music and Harp School, .

Focusing on co-designing a new future for the Irish coastal town of Moville, that generates better workability, vitality and belonging for its people, places and public spaces, Mary led the Reimagine Moville team in spearheading an empowering ground-up, inclusive, collaborative placemaking process.

Selected for our: strong, diverse team; engagement approach; and relevance to the Irish Government’s Town Centres First policy, the Reimagine Moville team’s Conversations for Change series created an inclusive, safe, possibilities oriented space empowering stakeholders to:

  • amplify aspirations

  • co-envision a new future

  • align and accelerate actions

Congratulations on leading the community to this stage.

It is a brilliant achievement!

Vanessa Menegaldo,

Reimagine Manager,

Irish Architecture Foundation, Dublin

Place Making for Prosperity

Designed for Town Regeneration Officers, their consultancy teams and stakeholders dealing with intractable dilapidation, desolation and outright dereliction, this programme equips participants to reach breakthroughs in what appear as impossible challenges, turning them into possibilities.

Participants leave more aware, inspired and motivated - armed with tools that help them work more effectively, in tried and tested ways, so they can achieve tangible transformative change: breathing life and light into once abandoned streets and spaces; maximising their impact and increasing their sense of fulfilment.

Placemaking for Peacemaking

Designed for:

1. Place-maker leaders and their teams...

2. Students of placemaking and urban design growing up in a fast changing world…

3. Teachers/tutors at 1st, 2nd, 3rd level…

…who understand they have a shortfall in the necessary toolkit of leadership skills needed to deal with intractable contexts more effectively including...

… complex core challenges that require leaders everywhere to have the agility to: evolve; involve; and be flexible.

This programme leads to: better relations and understanding of others, increased appreciation of places; greater agency in creating a world that works for everyone; enabling energising engagement that empowers co-envisioning a new future together.

All three cohorts leave empowered to lead more effectively; collaborate better, increase voice and influence, and build trusting partnerships, better equipped to create a world that works for everyone.

Derry Peace Bridge Architects: Wilkinson Eyre

Banner and Reimagine Moville photos: Patrick Duddy

Derry Peace Bridge photo: Eugene Coyle

Church Lane, Letterkenny photo: Mary Kerrigan