How We Speak Can Change Things - Or Not
We live in a world full of chatter. There’s lots of talk.
Listen to colleagues, friends and family.
What are they saying?
Maybe they’re talking about:
🟡 The weather? ☔️ 🌞 💨
🟡 Their health? 🤧 🤒 😷
🟡 Cost of living? ⛽️ ⚡️🍽
Perhaps they’re describing how it is right now. Things like the:
1️⃣ Dereliction epidemic
2️⃣ Housing crisis
3️⃣ Homelessness epidemic
With all that talking how much is changing?
1️⃣ Homelessness statistics are higher than ever.
2️⃣ Vacancy and dereliction is like a rash across the country.
2️⃣ Housing lists lengthen.
Even with our most brilliant policies and budgetary billions it seems we’re barely making a dent.
The kind of speaking that describes helps us learn how people are feeling, what they are experiencing, or how it is right now.
All of that is very interesting. It certainly helps us to be more empathetic.
There’s just one snag. It changes nothing.
Speaking that creates something new makes all the difference.
Like to learn more?
Reach out.