Mary Kerrigan | Creating a World Where Everyone Belongs

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Just Because Something Seems Impossible Doesn’t Mean It Is

The huge change the world needs can seem impossible.That doesn’t mean it is.

When it isn’t happening - we may feel overwhelmed, become resigned.

The effect is we:

1️⃣ Keep our head down

2️⃣ Tread water

3️⃣ Play smaller than we are - or withdraw altogether

Despite our work and its valuable contributions, we may be attempting to achieve radical step change with below par leadership capacity - at all levels.

It's like trying to win the marathon not realising we've one arm tied behind our back.

We can lead from any chair, yet may choose not to (even unwittingly)

When we opt not to do the self-work it takes to release our tied-up arm our locked-in potential to help make the impossible, possible lies dormant.

What’s your dormant potential that, released, would help turn the apparently impossible into possible?